When Divorce is On the Table, Consider Strategies to Save your Marriage

Sometimes, couples in difficult marriages try to ignore their problems because they feel that acknowledging them means they are headed for divorce. However, refusing to acknowledge the difficulties in your marriage can lead to divorce because it allows these problems to escalate and weigh on your relationship with your spouse, sometimes to the point where you cannot save the marriage. When you feel unhappy in your marriage, you should talk to your spouse about getting help. You are a team and if you want to save your marriage from divorce, you need to work together.
Marriage Counseling Can Help you Work Through your Problems
Marriage counseling can be a useful tool for couples who cannot effectively recognize and manage the difficulties in their marriages on their own. In marriage counseling, the couple works with a certified marriage counselor to develop strategies to build better communication and problem-solving skills. A marriage counselor’s goal is not to fix a couple’s problems, but to give them the skills to fix their problems on their own.
For Substance Addiction, Get Help Immediately
When one or both spouses suffer an addiction, it can be impossible to maintain a functional marriage. Not all addictions are substance addictions. An individual can become addicted to anything, like shopping, video games, or sex. If you or your spouse are suffering from an addiction and want to change, consider an outpatient or inpatient rehabilitation center or counseling to deal with the issue.
Consider a Trial Separation
For many couples, a trial separation is a way to experiment with living apart to see if divorce is the ultimate goal or in conjunction with marriage counseling.
While Florida does not recognize legal separations, there are steps you can take to protect yourself, the assets of the marriage and your children. In many cases, the terms of your separation can be established through a Post Nuptial Agreement. The agreement can address the marital assets, debts, support and some children’s issues. The Post Nuptial Agreement can govern the terms of the separation and the terms of a divorce, if it becomes necessary.
Work with an Experienced Orlando Divorce Lawyer
Marriage is not always easy. Instead of simply accepting that your marriage is over, consider taking steps to try to save the marriage. If you are not sure whether divorce is the right course of action for you, or if a Post Nuptial Agreement can be helpful during your separation, discuss your case with an experienced divorce lawyer. Our compassionate team at Goodblatt • Leo can help you determine whether a Post Nuptial Agreement can help you while you consider a trial separation or, how to proceed with your divorce. Contact our firm today to schedule your initial consultation in our office.