Tag Archives: Bankruptcy Chapter 13

How Does a Divorce Settlement Affect a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy?
There are many ways your divorce settlement can affect your Chapter 13 bankruptcy and vice versa. Completing Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a lengthy process, typically taking three to five years to complete. During this time, many aspects of your life may change, including a possibility of divorce. If you are working through Chapter 13… Read More »

Eliminating Divorce Obligations through Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy is a tool used by many to reduce debts that they cannot reduce on their own. Individuals struggling with personal debt can use Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy to discharge their debts. If you are considering filing for divorce, you might be worried about the costs involved with the divorce process and… Read More »
What Are Bankruptcy Exemptions?
When you decide to file for Chapter 7 or 13 bankruptcy, you may fear that you will have to surrender all your assets or be restricted to subsistence income. However, this is not the case. There are some assets that the government has no interest in taking, and there are some which will fall… Read More »
Misconceptions About Chapter 13 Bankruptcy
When most people file for bankruptcy, they file under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy Code. However, there is another alternative. Chapter 13 is available to debtors who have slightly different circumstances than the average bankruptcy filer, and while there are a few more obligations to filing Chapter 13, it may benefit you more… Read More »
How Will My Bankruptcy Affect My Spouse?
Bankruptcy is a last resort for the overwhelming majority of people. If you are forced by circumstance to have to file, you almost certainly have a thousand questions about the future, and that load doubles if you are married. Many couples file for bankruptcy jointly, but this is not always the best choice, and… Read More »
Considering Bankruptcy During Tax Time
If you are like the numerous other Americans who file for bankruptcy protection every year, you may be concerned about the long-term implications of filing. Maybe you worry how you will be able to afford a bankruptcy lawyer, or how long it will take to rebuild after the initial financial crash. But one thing… Read More »
Top 5 Bankruptcy Myths Dispelled
Deciding to file for bankruptcy is a huge decision. It will impact your life for years and can cause a lot of stress. But if your head is spinning with questions about how to file and what will happen if you do, then take comfort. You are not alone. CNN Money estimates that 72… Read More »
How do Bankruptcy Lawyers Get Paid?
You might wonder how you can afford to pay a bankruptcy lawyer if you are unable to pay your other bills. If so, you are not alone. But the cost of retaining an Orlando bankruptcy lawyer may be more reasonable than you think. It is, however, important to understand how a bankruptcy lawyer is… Read More »
When Relationships Go Bankrupt, the Obligations Do Not
Few things are as certain in life as the reality that divorces are not only emotionally draining, but financially exhausting as well. Similarly, few couples make it through a divorce without some financial hardships. Even if just a minor reduction in credit score or the loss of equity in a vehicle, divorce hurts the… Read More »